Selected Works:
“Our Hero, Minus the King Fu Grip”, reclaimed wood, acrylic, metal, rope, and cardboard, 24"x6"x8" 2014 |
“Our Hero Finds The Perfect Lighting” metal, paper mâché, cloth, plastic, metal, and reclaimed wood, 8"x16"x7", 2015 |
“Our Hero Regurgitates (and Likes That You Like That)” acrylic, cardboard, rope, metal, and paper mâché on reclaimed wood, 16.5"x19"x4", 2015 |
“Our Hero with a Swollen Brow” acrylic on reclaimed wood, 6.25"x7.25", 2015 |
“Our Hero Thanks the Academy”, acrylic, paper, cloth, plastic, and reclaimed wood, 6"x15"x5.5", 2015 |
“Our Hero: The Flattening (with rope)”, acrylic, paper mache, rope, and reclaimed wood, 8.25"x10"x2", 2015 |
“Our Hero: The Flattening (with cloth)” acrylic, paper mache, reclaimed wood, and cloth, 9"x16"x4", 2015 |
“Our Hero: The Flattening (with Teeth)”, 9"x13"x2", acrylic, paper, and reclaimed wood, 2015 |
“Our Hero Hates the Taste” acrylic, paper, fabric, and reclaimed wood, 10.25"x16"x6", 2015 |
“Our Hero is Dead, Long Live Our Hero”, acrylic, reclaimed wood, paper, metal, and cloth, 9.5"x13.5"x5", 2015 |
“Our Hero in Hiding” paper mâché, twine, metal, reclaimed wood, cloth, and acrylic, 5"x19"x10.5", 2015 |
“Our Hero, Engulfed” acrylic, paper, metal, rope, plastic, and fabric on reclaimed wood, 16"x24"x5", 2015 |
“Our Hero, with a Chain for Yanking”, acrylic, paper, metal, monofilament, and cloth on reclaimed wood, 8"x19"x4", 2015 |
"Our Hero Video Log" and"Our Hero Situation Slideshow" Coming Soon |